Forbes |
We're making work digital on every desktop, we're empowering digital sensors in the Internet of Things (IoT) on every street corner, we're building smart digital AI-powered IT systems with machine learning and decision-making abilities to automate our lives… and we're digitizing ourselves as well.
Aug 16, 2019
Diagnostics World News | Parallel efforts at two universities are getting closer to developing a tool for identifying which people with pancreatic cysts may go on to develop pancreatic cancer.
Aug 9, 2019
Diagnostics World News Brief | A recent study published in Arthritis Research and Therapy reports that Clotting proteins, both those that promote blood clots and those that work to dissipate them, are elevated in the urine of patients who suffer from lupus nephritis (LN). The discovery of the new biomarker for active LN opens the door for clinical monitoring of the disease.
Aug 8, 2019
STAT | "Chasing the Cure," a new weekly show that digs into undiagnosed or uncured medical conditions, raises a number of ethical questions, from how the show will make sure patients understand the implications of sharing medical information on live television to how the producers will proceed when a participant can't afford care.
Aug 6, 2019
Diagnostics World News | A recent study using AI to classify breast masses as either benign or malignant raises some interesting questions for biology and some promising avenues of exploration for the future of machine learning.
Aug 5, 2019
Diagnostics World News | July featured news, products, and partnerships from around the diagnostics community from numerous companies, universities, and organizations, including Illumina, PAREXEL, Caris Life Sciences, and more.
Jul 31, 2019
Diagnostics World News | As the diagnostic arena continues to reinvent itself and define new business models for driving cost-effective and improved patient outcomes, it can often be difficult for a startup to differentiate itself.
Jul 26, 2019