Diagnostics World News | A research team from the Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan, discovered three gut bacteria types that may lead to predicting and treating dementia with Lewy bodies.
Mar 23, 2023
Diagnostics World News | A smartphone-based app and test kit for lupus nephritis may start making its way to neighborhood CVS and Walgreens stores in another few years. The urine test has been shown to detect the protein ALCAM (activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule) to distinguish lupus patients with and without the condition with 86% accuracy in multiple cohorts.
Mar 22, 2023
Diagnostics World News | The worlds of genetics, epigenetics, and artificial intelligence have united to enable development of a blood test for the early detection of coronary heart disease. Newly launched in the U.S. by Cardio Diagnostics, PrecisionCHD is underpinned by the same technology as the company’s predecessor Epi+Gen CHD risk assessment test but using a different set of genetic and DNA methylation biomarkers.
Mar 21, 2023
Diagnostics World News | An array of diagnostics companies have set their sights on developing minimal residual disease tests capable of detecting low levels of cancer cells remaining in the body following surgery or other types of treatment. The aim is to help measure response to therapy and identify patients at risk of relapse.
Mar 16, 2023
Diagnostics World News | A research collaboration led by led by Duke-NUS Medical School and National Heart Centre Singapore has set the stage for telomere measurement to one day be added to the list of clinical-grade methods for assessing biological aging. The focus is on rapid and precise measurement of individual telomeres using a technique that employs “telobaits” that latch onto the ends of telomeres in large pools of DNA fragments.
Mar 14, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Kevin Davies and Craig Venter sat down together to celebrate thirty years of the Molecular and Precision Med Tri-Con this week in San Diego on Monday night. Davies—the founding editor of Bio-IT World—gave a guided tour of human genomic research and sequencing since 1991 with Venter offering first person color commentary along the way.
Mar 9, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Illumina’s TruSight Oncology 500 HRD, a research-use-only oncology homologous recombination deficiency test, is now available in the US thanks to an expanded partnership between Illumina and Myriad Genetics. The expanded partnership also establishes a unique companion diagnostic alliance for the pharmaceutical industry, which will enable more clinical research for gene-based, targeted therapies.
Mar 8, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Sarah Hersey, VP of Precision Medicine at Bristol Myers Squibb, gave a balanced view of the challenges and opportunities facing precision medicine in her keynote address at the Molecular & Precision Medicine Tri-Conference in San Diego this week. After her presentation she was joined by others in the space to talk about the future for diagnostics and precision medicine.
Mar 7, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Researchers at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, have created bacteria-generated sensing devices capable of identifying real-time changes in various chemical concentrations.
Mar 2, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Growing interest in the use and utility of digital health technologies (DHTs) was on full display at the recent Summit for Clinical Ops Executives. While outsourcing professionals were learning from Merck’s experience in evaluating and selecting DHT suppliers, digital data specialists were getting a progress update on a study comparing sensor-based symptom measures with traditional clinician-rated assessments in patients with early, untreated Parkinson’s Disease.
Mar 1, 2023
Diagnostics World News | A remote diagnostic platform offers at-home infectious disease tests and efficiently manages lab processes and data; a secure nationwide Microsoft cloud platform provides streamlined communications and AI insights from diagnostic imaging to improve healthcare outcomes and costs; a non-small lung cancer test provides clinicians with actionable clinical insights and a better understanding of their patients’ personalized cancer dynamics; and more.
Feb 23, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Funding for a diagnostic assay platform with superior sensitivity and specificity and a faster response time for detecting emerging pandemic situations, metabolomics diagnostic research, an infrared spectroscopy platform that detects the presence or absence of disease, and more.
Feb 21, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Efforts to use digital endpoints to modernize clinical trials have been slowed by an assortment of challenges. But the field will be getting a big push in the right direction in another few months when the first hard evidence will be published demonstrating digital endpoints can live up to their promise of delivering smaller, speedier trials.
Feb 16, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Researchers at Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital, along with collaborators from Bogazici University in Turkey, have revealed new technology intended to help make timely decisions during surgery. Their method uses artificial intelligence to enhance the image quality of frozen tissue samples in hopes of improving diagnostic speed and accuracy.
Feb 14, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Researchers at Duke University have come up with the new “best-in-class” systemic biomarker predictive of clinically relevant knee osteoarthritis that significantly outperforms the top-rated urine test when it comes to recognizing disease progression. Development of the targeted multiple reaction monitoring proteomic panel has been a 12-year labor of love for the team.
Feb 9, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Researchers in Germany have developed a series of innovative solutions for probing the body more broadly and deeply for early pathological signs of diseases ranging from metabolic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases to cancer. Their novel technology, dubbed DISCO-MS, does spatial proteomics in three-dimensional (3D) intact specimens using a combination of whole-organ and whole-organism clearing and imaging, deep-learning-based image analysis, robotic tissue extraction, and ultrahigh-sensitivity mass spectrometry.
Feb 8, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Research scientists at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis and Regenstrief Institute have developed a “passive digital marker” (PDM), powered by machine learning, to help identify people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias at an earlier stage in primary care settings. Application of the PDM will now be tested in the real world in a pair of pragmatic randomized controlled trials.
Feb 7, 2023
Diagnostics World News | Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and the University of Notre Dame have developed a new microresonator for biochemical sensing. This is big news, according to Dingding Ren and David Burghoff, co-leaders in joint research between the two institutes.
Feb 2, 2023
Diagnostics World News | An international team of neuroscientists expect to soon be handing off development of a promising new blood test for Alzheimer’s disease neurodegeneration to a U.S.-based biomarker company. The immunoassay selectively measures brain-derived tau and was recently demonstrated to outperform both assessments of plasma total tau levels and measurements of neurofilament light chain concentration, a protein marker of nerve cell damage.
Jan 31, 2023
Diagnostics World News | A digital AI platform to enrich breast cancer grading and improve risk categorization; novel tests significantly reduce hospitalization costs and mortality and morbidity rates in newborns and premature infants; the first blood test superior to stool tests in detecting advanced adenomas and colorectal cancer; and more.
Jan 26, 2023